This award honors an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in safety management and made a significant impact through active leadership. We encourage all managers and staff to nominate those leading a change in safety culture. A leader in safety could be anyone within Carrix, e.g., superintendents, longshoremen, office-based employees, etc.

Question Title

* Name and designation of person making nomination:

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* Postal address:

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* Location:


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* Name and designation of person being nominated:

Question Title

* Postal address:

Question Title

* Location:

Description of Outstanding Leadership

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* Description:
Provide specific details of what the person being nominated has done to demonstrate outstanding leadership in safety management?

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* Impact:
Describe, quantify where possible how their leadership has made an impact.

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* Transferring lessons learned and sharing best practices between Carrix operating locations:
What was learned? What was done well that may be applicable elsewhere?

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* "Evidence Pack”:
List (below) and attach supporting documents that further describe, explain and quantify benefits accrued, in relation to the nomination (e.g., data analysis, photographs, Risk Assessments, references from third parties.

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* Upload Supporting Documentation Here:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* Endorsement by Manager: