Women’s Voices in Menopause

This survey is entirely anonymous. You are welcome to skip any questions throughout. 
1.What age group are you in? 
2.Have you ever experienced menopausal symptoms?
3.Do you currently take HRT?
4.If you are not on HRT, can you state why not and if not, what other therapies, if any, do you take? 
5.How confident would you feel discussing menopause with your GP/Consultant?
6.How much support or medical advice have you received from your GP/Consultant about menopause? 
7.Do you believe that healthcare professionals in Ireland are educated enough in perimenopause/menopause? 
8.How much education/information did you have about menopause?
9.Do your menopausal symptoms affect you when you are working? 
10.Have you ever missed work because of your symptoms? 
11.Would you like to see your workplace implement a menopause policy? 
12.Do you feel there are enough supports for women experiencing menopausal symptoms?
13.Do you feel there is still stigma in Irish society around discussing the menopause? 
14.Do you believe that the Government is doing enough to support women experiencing menopausal symptoms in Ireland? 
15.Are there any further comments or experiences you would like to share?
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered