Question Title

* 1. When searching for housing to become a homeowner, how would each of these supports be helpful?

  Not helpful Somewhat helpful Very helpful
One on One assistance/support to learn about home buying programs
Assistance with improving credit score
Assistance with down payment
A transitional housing program to prepare you for real life experience being a homeowner

Question Title

* 2. When getting up to date information/resources within the community, how would these different platforms be helpful?

  Not helpful Somewhat helpful Very helpful
RCHA Website
RCHA Facebook
Text Messages

Question Title

* 3. How helpful would you find the following changes to the reexamination procedures?

  Not helpful Somewhat helpful Very helpful
Bi-Annually for all families (every other year)
Tri-Annually for families on fixed income (every 3 years)

Question Title

* 4. The DRIVE program at RCHA will be an interactive resource that all RCHA residents can take advantage of. Which of the following services would you find most helpful? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Which method of rent adjustment would you prefer once employment is obtained?

Question Title

* 6. How interested would you be in getting a "Good Housekeeping Rebate" at the end of the year for passing your Housing Inspection?

Question Title

* 7. RCHA plans to expand to provide more Affordable Housing in Robeson County. This includes establishing a non-profit. How favorable are you on this plan?

Question Title

* 8. We welcome any additional comments/feedback for our Moving To Work proposal. Please comment in the box provided.