2024 Annual General Meeting

We advise that the South Australian Baseball League’s 117th Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 3 July 2024, commencing at 7:00pm (6:30pm arrival) at Adelaide University Playing Fields, Entry off Burbridge RD.
Any special business submissions for this meeting must be sent to the General Manager (GM) in writing 21 days prior to the AGM, being 12th June 2023.
We also request that all voting members and RSVPs be provided prior to close of business 7 days prior to the meeting, being Wednesday 26 June 2024.
1.Full Name:(Required.)
2.Email Address:
Each Member Club is entitled to receive notice of General Meetings and to be
represented at General Meetings by up to three (3) Delegates each of whom may
participate in debate and cast one (1) vote on every resolution which is proposed to
the General Meeting.

Each Affiliate Member is entitled to receive notice of General Meetings and to be
represented at General Meetings by one (1) delegate who may participate in debate
and cast one (1) vote on every resolution which is proposed to the General Meeting.

A Life Member is entitled to receive notice of General Meetings, to be present, to
debate and to cast one (1) vote at General Meetings.

An Individual Member is entitled to receive notice of and attend General Meetings but
is not entitled to vote and may only participate in debate with the consent of the Chair
or the authority of a resolution of the meeting.
4.Delegated Role:(Required.)
5.Will you be attending the 2024 AGM?