Please complete the following post-test and evaluation questions. A CME certificate will be sent via email based on full participation in the CME activity as well as this evaluation survey. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Case 1 - Maria

Maria is a 26-year-old pregnant female who presents to your office for her initial prenatal visit at 35 weeks gestational age. She says she has not been able to seek prenatal care earlier because she has been moving with her “husband” between several states. None of the children from her four prior pregnancies are living with her; all are in foster care. A middle-aged male accompanies her to the visit and answers several of the questions about medical history and social history for the patient.

What is an important next step?

Question Title

* 2. Case 2 - Cristina

Cristina is a 32-year-old Spanish-speaking female coming to your office for an annual well-woman exam. She appears anxious and guarded. Through an interpreter, she says she wants to be screened for sexually transmitted diseases but is uncomfortable with a physical exam. She tells you she has not seen a doctor or health care provider for a long time because she is anxious about the questions and the exam, and about finding out results. After you question her about any negative experience she may have had in the past with a physician or provider, she informs you she was prostituted several years ago but is now “getting her life together.”

An example of trauma-informed care would be:

Question Title

* 3. Case 3 - Alejandro

Alejandro presents to the emergency department with his employer with a large laceration to his left hand from a chain saw. His employer insists on being in the patient room during the entire patient encounter on the pretense that Alejandro does not speak English. Alejandro is quiet while the employer answers all questions and avoids eye contact with both his employer and the physician and other health care professionals.

What are important ways to respond to this situation?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. (1-Strongly Disagree to 5-Strongly Agree)

  1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree
After participating in this educational activity, I am better able to recognize the elements of patient history, physical findings and behaviors that suggest potential human trafficking; effectively screen for human trafficking; and take appropriate actions with patients and authorities in cases of suspected human trafficking.
This activity will result in a change in my practice behavior and improve my clinical skills in dealing with suspected human trafficking victims.
This activity will enhance my efficacy in managing and treating patients in a suspected human trafficking situation.
This activity addressed barriers to my optimal patient management to help suspected human trafficking victims.
The speaker communicated effectively and achieved the outlined objectives.
I was adequately informed of the speaker's disclosure.
This presentation was fairly balanced and free of commercial bias.

Question Title

* 5. If bias was detected, what factors do you believe contributed to the bias?

Question Title

* 6. What three actions will you take or changes will you make as a result of the content delivered in this activity?

Question Title

* 7. Please list any comments you have about the speaker or the activity.

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* 8. What barriers exist that may prevent you from successfully making change in handling suspected human trafficking in your practice?

Question Title

* 9. Please list any unmet educational needs that TAFP can meet through future educational activities.

Question Title

* 10. Please list any general comments you have in regards to this activity (subject matter, format, faculty, technology, etc.)

Question Title

* 11. Please complete your contact information in order to receive your CME certificate. Certificates will be emailed to the email address provided below.

Question Title

* 12. Texas Medical License #

Thank you for participating in this enduring CME activity on human trafficking. CME certificates will emailed to you within 10 business days of completion of the activity. Please contact TAFP at if you have any questions about the activity or CME credit.