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New Timed Email Organizer Features
Why do you like the Timed Email Organizer add-in?
Helps me to organize my emails with rules
Overcomes Outlook's rules limitations
Allows me to delete or move emails after a set time period
Ability to move emails only after being read
Allows me to test out rules without actually changing anything
Helps me to manage spam and junk emails
Other (please specify)
In the future, what features would you like to see implemented?
Be able to easily copy rules with a single button
Be able to automatically change the subject of a newly arriving email
Implement a scheduler so rules can run just at certain times
Automatically create a folder for each email address, domain, or date and file the email into it
Automatically create a folder for each email address, domain, or date and file the email into it
Show the date of the last time the rule was used in the grid
Show how many emails have been sent/received over the last 30 days and how many were handled by the add-in
Other (please specify)
Current Progress,
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