
Thanks for offering to be an Advisor!  Here's what to expect:

Survey Structure: 
Part 1:  Basic Job Info.  Easy.  ~3 mins.
Part 2:  Getting Hired.  More candid and will require more thought. 10-15 mins.
Part 3:  Advice and Resources.  What are you reading now?  How would you advise someone in college? ~5 mins.

The only required questions are on this first page. Everything else is optional. Please answer only what you feel comfortable sharing and will provide the best insights to candidates. 

Mindset:  Pennant's goal is to create the essential, must-read playbook to get hired in your role. What do you wish you had while you were job searching or interviewing?  We're going to dig into your duties, career path, and specific hiring tactics. Kind of like a coffee chat.

So, go pour yourself some coffee... ready when you are.

Question Title

* 1. Let's start with the basics.  What's your first name?

Question Title

* 2. Last name?

Question Title

* 3. What's your email?

Question Title

* 4. And can you please provide your LinkedIn URL?

Question Title

* 5. May we display your first name and last initial with your answers? Otherwise, we will only disclose your title and company.

We'd prefer to include your name as it provides a more human connection and showcases conviction in the advice. However, we understand if you'd prefer not to include in order to provide the real scoop.

Question Title

* 6. Pennant is not a forum to bash or expose your employer or coworkers. This includes not disclosing any names, nor confidential, proprietary, or sensitive information.

Great! Almost ready to start. Do you agree to Pennant's Term's and Conditions and Respondent Release Agreement?

By clicking Yes you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in the above hyperlink which will govern the information you provide and your relationship with Pennant, LLC.