GEO Reviewers and Panelists |
Be a reviewer and/or panelist and participate in the evaluation of proposals that are reviewed by the NSF Directorate for Geosciences (GEO).
The following form provides information needed by GEO Program Officers to call on you to participate in the review of proposals or participate in GEO panels.
Information provided below will be put into the GEO reviewer database. With the help of this form, we hope to dramatically expand the number and diversity of people and institutions from which we can draw to assist in the NSF merit review.
None of the information provided in the following form will be shared outside of GEO or for non-official NSF business.
Please complete the reviewer interest questionnaire at your soonest convenience. Please encourage your colleagues to also submit their information so they can be included in the GEO pool of potential reviewers and panelists.
*To update information, submit the form using the same email address.
*To remove information, please contact
The information requested in this survey is pursuant to the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended. Disclosure of all information is entirely voluntary. The purpose of this information is to assist in the identification of prospective reviewers and panelists to review proposals or provide guidance to NSF staff in connection with the administration of NSF programs. Other NSF programs requesting names of potential reviewers or specialists in particular fields may also be given information from this form. Except for these purposes, this information will not be disclosed except as part of statistical reports or in a form that would not allow identification of individuals.
NSF Form 428A (03/2008), OMB No. 3145-0058, Expires October 31, 2025