CHS VBS 2023 - Decorations Preferences

Hello decorations volunteers! Please use the ranking below to let me know which projects you are most interested in working on for VBS 2023 at CHS. Keep in mind we want all projects complete by July 20. **Please note I will provide you with Group's guidance for making each of these, but you are free to make them in a different way using your creativity and what you are comfortable with. Some supplies may be available at CHS, others you will have to purchase and be reimbursed. 

Please respond by July 1 and I will make assignments by July 3.
1.Which of the following projects are you most interested in working on? Please choose your top 3.
2.Are you interested in working on more than one project?
3.Is there anything else I should know to make assignments? For example, is there a specific project you have a team you want to work on with?
4.What is your name and contact info (email and/or phone number)?