Complete survey and be entered to win a FITBIT!
Thank you for taking a minute to answer our brief survey. Be sure to answer all questions and provide your contact information so we may contact you regarding the prize.

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* 1. Please indicate your location.

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* 2. Please indicate the number of employees in your organization (all locations).

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* 3. Please describe your type of organization.

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* 4. Please indicate your company's annual revenue.

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* 5. Please indicate your company's annual Communications/IT budget.

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* 6. What vertical Industry does your organization fall into (click one):

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* 7. Please describe your job function.

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* 8. Indicate your involvement in technology purchases for your company.

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* 9. Please check which items you have planned for capital expenditures in 2015:

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* 10. Do you plan to adopt NFV?

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* 11. If yes, in what timeline do you expect to have NFV operational in a commercial network?

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* 12. Have you virtualized any of your network functions yet?

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* 13. If so, what functions have you virtualized?

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* 14. Why are you implementing or considering NFV?

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* 15. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge to NFV implementation?

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* 16. Please provide your contact information so we may contact you regarding the prize.