Cincom Smalltalk™ uses Store as a source code control system (SCCS), which is based on and uses popular and ubiquitous relational databases.

We recognize that Git is a popular and widely used SCCS for many technologies and that some organizations have specified it as a standard for development work code storage.

We are interested in learning about your interest and your organization’s usage of Git.

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* 1. What is your current source code control system for Cincom Smalltalk (Cincom® ObjectStudio® or Cincom® VisualWorks®)?

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* 2. Please check all that apply:

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* 3. Requirements: A Git option would likely maintain an ability to publish code to Store or Git. However, we would try not to restrict Git-based capabilities in working with Git (such as advanced merging options).

If you are familiar with Git (or your organization uses it) and have suggestions and/or requirements, please let us know.

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* 4. Additional comments?

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* 5. Please share your contact information with us: