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* 1. How confident are you in your ability to evaluate clinical symptoms, risk factors for complications from influenza, diagnostic tests, and prevalence of influenza in the community to recommend antiviral treatment strategies?

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* 2. Using a scale where 5=always and 1=never, rate how often you CURRENTLY educate elderly patients on the cardiovascular impact of influenza to increase vaccination uptake.

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* 3. Which statement about baloxavir marboxil is CORRECT?

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* 4. Which statement on antiviral treatment of influenza is CORRECT?

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* 5. Albert is a 72-year-old man with well-controlled hypertension who is otherwise healthy seeing you for his annual visit in September. He lives in a single-family home. When you ask if he’s received the seasonal influenza vaccine, he tells you he got sick several years ago after getting the influenza vaccine and hasn’t gotten it since then. You are aware he has a fear of needles. What would be the most appropriate strategy for Albert?

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* 6. Joan is a 36-year-old woman presenting to your office with a 3-day history of fever, malaise, and nonproductive cough. Her symptoms have gotten worse over the past 24 hours, and the cough has required her to increase use of her short-acting bronchodilator for her asthma. She lives with her husband, a 13-year-old son, and her 70-year-old mother. Her husband and son are otherwise healthy, and her mother has a medical history of diabetes and epilepsy. No one in the household has received the annual influenza vaccine. It is early January, and influenza is circulating in the community according to recent epidemiological reports.

Please select all of the following items that are CURRENTLY consistent with your clinical approach for this patient (select all that apply):