
The NCURA Global Fellowship program is a joint initiative between NCURA and our global sister research administration societies. The Fellowship program has two underlying objectives: (i) the training of research administrators, and (ii) enhancing global research collaboration.  This program is intended to reduce barriers to global research administration and create an administrative environment conducive to global research collaboration.  There is an ever increasing amount of global research collaboration, and this fellowship hopes to create a pool of individuals who are able to interpret a multitude of various sponsor requirements and assist their institution with administrative compliance – from application submission through financial reporting and closeout.
The program will provide an opportunity for research administrators to travel to another country's research organization and to immerse themselves in a program of mutual learning and knowledge exchange. NCURA will support up to $3,000 in travel costs, and Fellows are expected to pass on their experiences and knowledge of how research administration management operates at their institution, identify best practices and local knowledge of the host institution, and to respect all appropriate organizational rules and cultural practices. 

To edit your application at any time, click the survey link again to update your information. 

To view a PDF version of the application, please click here.

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* 1. Applicant Information

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* 2. Your career in research Administration

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* 3. Select Your Primary Areas of Expertise:
(Check all that apply)

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* 4. If you have current global research administration duties, check the type: (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Have you ever received any NCURA Global Fellowship previously?

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* 6. If applicable, list any publications on research administration that you have authored or co-authored over the past five years, beginning with the latest.

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* 7. List any presentations at workshops, or conferences on topics related to research administration (last five years).

Include date/organization/conference/title of session/type of session/your role.

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* 8. List any committees or boards related to research administration in which you have been involved (last five years).

Include year/organization/committee name/your role.

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* 9. List your active memberships professional organizations related to research administration. Indicate if you have held an office in each organization and if that was at the national or regional level.

Include organization/dates of membership/office held/national or regional level.

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* 10. Please list any additional volunteer activities you have participated for NCURA in addition to the above questions 5-8. (such as registration volunteer, new member host, audit of a workshop)

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* 11. Have you worked internationally, outside your country?

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* 12. If you have worked internationally, in which countries have you worked? Please include your institution title, position, type of work, and the duration.

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* 13. If you speak additional languages, please list them and indicate fluency level (e.g., basic, intermediate, or advanced)