1. Climate change - let's get ready!

Would your community like to get climate ready? Read on to be a part of our National Lottery Climate Action Fund proposal...

We are contacting you to find out if you would like to be part of a bid to the National Lottery Climate Action Fund­ to help coastal communities prepare for climate change. You can find out more on the web page here about:
  • Who we are
  • The National Lottery Climate Action Fund
  • What this project could deliver for your community
  • Details about what is involved in the application process
We envisage that our project will involve working in up to five coastal locations in Scotland. The following short survey is aimed at communities who might benefit from this type of work so that we can understand how best we can work together to get your community climate ready.

If you would like to be involved in the funding bid please complete the survey below by Tuesday 15 October. After we have heard from all that are interested we will be in touch with you to let you know which places we think are most likely to benefit from being part of the project. We would hope that all those we are contacting will have a role.

Should you have any queries then please do get in touch with Ruth Wolstenholme ruth@sniffer.org.uk.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Organisation

Question Title

* 3. Email address

Question Title

* 4. Where is your community (geographical location)?

Question Title

* 5. What is the size of the community you work with?

Question Title

* 6. Why are you concerned about climate change at the coast?

Please tell us how you are being affected or are concerned about being affected. You might want to think about different aspects of this, for example for your family, home, job, getting around, health, the wildlife and natural environment in your area, food and nutrition, cost of living, heating, or other important things.

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20% of survey complete.