Well Wisconsin Presentation Request Form

Please complete the following questions to submit a request for a Well Wisconsin overview or health education topic with the WebMD team via an onsite presentation, online webinar or hybrid format. There are no out-of-pocket costs for your organization, as this resource is included in the Well Wisconsin program. Please submit requests at least 30 days prior to event date to allow time for coordination of schedules. Select your topic from the options below. If you have questions about the survey or hosting a presentation or webinar, send an email to wellwi-employersupport@webmd.net. 
Presentation Topics
  • Well Wisconsin Overview: Discover tools and resources available through the Well Wisconsin program to support good well-being. Learn how to earn the $150 Well Wisconsin incentive.
  • Make it OK: It’s OK to have a mental illness. Many of us do. Nearly 1 in 5 Americans live with a mental illness. Join the community campaign to reduce stigma by understanding and creating caring conversations about mental illness. Discover simple tips for talking with someone about mental illnesses.
  • Biometrics—Know Your Numbers: Learn what your numbers—cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and waist circumference—mean and how to identify risk factors for out-of-range biometric values. Explore risk factors and changes to make for improved well-being.
  • Advance Care Planning: Discover why it’s important and understand steps to complete your advance directives. Explore resources to assist you in completing an advance care plan and gain tips for starting this important conversation with others.
  • Optimizing Your Sleep: Gain an understanding about your circadian rhythm, what happens when you sleep, the importance of sleep, and health risks from lack of sleep. Discover tips for improving your sleep.
  • Hydrate Healthfully: Discover why our bodies need water and why limiting caffeine is important. Get tips for staying hydrated and learn how check for signs of dehydration.
  • Food for Thought: Explore intuitive eating and being mindful at meals. Gain tips for building balanced meals and breaking down food labels.
  • Fun Ways to Fit in Fitness: Get extra motivation to move during the Move for a Million challenge while discovering fun ways to add in movement to your daily routine.
  • Power Five—Healthy Microhabits in Action: Explore the definition of microhabits, approaches and examples. Identify intentions and the why behind micohabits, and examine the power five.
  • Men’s Health: Discuss the importance of men’s health, conditions impacting men and screening recommendations. Gain tips for improving your well-being.
  • Self-care Isn't Selfish: Discover why self-care is important for our well-being and how practicing it is not selfish. Identify activities to implement into your routine and develop a customized self-care plan for your lifestyle.
  • Managing Stress through the Lifetime: Explore the difference between reacting and responding to stress, while learning about stress management superpowers. Get ideas for implementing new microhabits to relieve stress.
  • Other: Health topic of your choice.

Question Title

* 1. Requester's Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Employer Group

Question Title

* 3. Organization Name

Question Title

* 4. Presentation Topic

Question Title

* 5. Presentation Format Request

Question Title

* 6. Number of projected attendees

Question Title

* 7. Preferred presentation date and time


Question Title

* 8. Please add any additional details on the type of event or purpose for this request.