Feedback on Nemours Financial Simulation Tool
What kind of organization do you work for?
State Medicaid agency
Managed care organization
Advocacy organization
Health care organization
Childhood obesity intervention program
Other (please specify)
How are you planning to use the outputs of the Financial Simulation model in your work?
Compare childhood obesity interventions to inform investment decisions.
Make the case to a health care payor that your program is a good investment.
Compare potential health care costs, savings, and outcomes of different types of intervention.
Other (please specify)
What could be added to, or changed about, the Tool to make it more useful or effective?
Instructions on how to use the tool.
Option to customize more of the data in the tool.
Additional outputs from the tool.
Other (please specify)
What do you like most about the Tool and think would be useful to others?
Inclusion of default data like average child overweight and obesity rates and Medicaid costs by state.
Ability to overwrite default data and customize tool inputs.
User interface.
Other (please specify)
Are you open to us contacting you to learn more about your experience using the financial simulation tool?
How can we contact you?
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered