InterCity Visit 2010 > Pre-Trip Survey

Question Title

* 1. How much do you know about the Raleigh/Durham region?

If you know Raleigh/Durham well, please contact Richard Wintsch at or (804)783-9301 so we can benefit from your knowledge.

Question Title

* 2. Please rank your expectations for the InterCity Visit to Raleigh/Durham. (1 = Lowest; 5 = Highest; each number can only be chosen once)

  1 2 3 4 5
To learn more about the Raleigh/Durham community and business there.
To network with other Richmond business and community leaders.
To advance the Richmond Region by adopting best practices from Raleigh/Durham.
To get more engaged with the Chamber and other community organizations.
To have fun.

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* 3. What would you like to know about our region in relation to Raleigh/Durham before we leave?

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* 4. What type of information would you like to receive now? (check all that apply)

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* 5. What is the top takeaway you want from the Raleigh/Durham presentations?

Question Title

* 6. Please rank what you think the Chamber's main goal should be for the InterCity trip to Raleigh/Durham? (1 = Lowest; 5 = Highest; each number can only be chosen once)

  1 2 3 4 5
To strengthen the relationships of those participating in the InterCity Visit.
To benchmark our best practices with those in the Raleigh/Durham region.
To examine the areas of excellence identified by trip participants and apply those that correspond with the Chamber's new strategic plan.
To find one area or issue that was identified during the InterCity Visit so it can be a major focus for the 2010-2011 Chamber program.
To focus on regional cooperation within the Richmond Region.