NAYGN Member Input for NEA/NAYGN PD Conference Topics
Please provide your input to help the conference planning committee develop a conference tailored to the needs of our members!
DC Activities: Select the activities that interest you
Scavenger Hunt
Happy Hour Social
Museum Tour
Sidewalk Talk: What do you know about nuclear?
Monument Tour
Local Trivia Night
Other (please specify)
Professional Development: Select the following PD topics of interest
Soft Skills (specify in comment field which skills are of interest)
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively in a Hybrid Environment
Emotional Intelligence
Paula Rizzo - Productivity
Paula Rizzo - Expert Tips from Media Producer (Public Speaking)
Relationship Building Across Hybrid Teams
Jennifer Brown Consulting - Harnessing the Power of ERGs and DEI
Speed Mentoring
It's Not What You Say, But How You Say It
Business Etiquette
How to Lead Teams
Building Brand
Resolving Conflict
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
How to Speak with Public About Nuclear
How to Avoid Burnout: The Energy Project
Other (please specify)
Technical: Select the following technical topics of interest
Gen IV Reactors
Direction of Nuclear in Canada
Utilization: Desalination, Hydrogen Production, Remote Grid, Crypto, Manufacturing, Electric Vehicles, etc.
Use of Robotics within Nuclear
Nuclear Powered Vehicles
Nuclear in Space
Next Generation in Nuclear
Use of Technology: Innovation in Nuclear - Boston Dynamics, VR, University Research
Reactor Technology Progress/Results/Improvements - Westinghouse, Nuscale, X-Energy, Terra, GE, OKLO, Natrium, etc.
Other Aspects of Nuclear: Uranium Mining, Waste Disposal, Recycling
Fusion vs. Fission
Other (please specify)
Keynote Speakers: Select speakers you are interested in or recommend speakers for consideration
John Gorman, Canadian Nuclear Association
Isabelle Boehmke
Other (please specify)
Other Ideas: Select other nuclear-related topics of interest
Use podcasters as session facilitators
Decouple podcast
Titans of Nuclear podcast
Energy Cast podcast
Roundtable discussion with first class of NucLEADers
Public Information Event (Hill Day)
Public Information Event (Clean Energy Summit)
What does it mean to be a nuclear professional?
Representation in Nuclear
Other (please specify)
Networking: Select the following networking ideas of interest:
Speed Mentoring
Breakout Sessions Based on Job Title/Functional Area for Focused Networking
Atomic Allies (WIN, NAYGN, NEI, ANS) Social
Nuclear Trivia
Happy Hour Social
Exhibition Displays
Other (please specify)
Select the following themes of interest to you
Net Zero Needs Nuclear
The Next Frontier: Nuclear in 2030
Next Generation in Nuclear
Other (please specify)
Anything else you would like to share with us?
Current Progress,
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