1. Survey

Welcome! Thank you for shopping at GardensAlive.com and taking a moment to answer our survey. In the questions below, you will be asked about your recent shopping experience. Your answers will be combined with those from other customers, allowing us to better serve your needs in the future.

Question Title

* 1. How did you LOCATE GardensAlive.com to make your most recent purchase?

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* 2. Overall, how SATISFIED were you with your shopping experience at GardensAlive.com?

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* 3. What aspect of the site could we enhance to MOST improve your level of satisfaction?

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* 4. What did you ENJOY most about the site?

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* 5. COMPARED to your other online shopping experiences, how would you rate GardensAlive.com on each of the following:

  Much Better Better Similar Worse Much Worse N/A
Ease of navigation
Visual appeal
Product ordering
Product pricing
Product selection
Product shipping
Product information

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* 6. Are there PRODUCTS you would like to see added to the GardensAlive.com web site?

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* 7. Would you RECOMMEND GardensAlive.com to others?

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* 8. While you were shopping at GardensAlive.com, did you experience any problems?

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* 9. Do you have any specific ideas and/or comments you would like to share with us to improve the site?

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* 10. If you would like us to follow up with you regarding your feedback, please enter your e-mail address below: