A brief survey on what people in Triratna would like to do to make a difference on the climate emergency

A new grassroots initiative is being started with the aim of getting more action on the climate problem going across the Triratna community worldwide.

This is being organised solely by those people who are interested and it does not oblige those not interested in being part of this to do anything.

This survey is for those who would like to get involved. Please let us know the ways in which you might be willing to help. This does not oblige you to do anything at this stage.

Once we have a large enough number of responses we will start putting people with similar interests together, preferably with those living close to one another. 

Question Title

* 1. The Sangha I am primarily involved with is
(e.g. 'Buddhafield' or 'Anytown Buddhist Centre'.

Question Title

* 2. I would like to help make Triratna more climate-friendly by doing the following (please select all that apply):

Question Title

* 3. I would like to help with the following work on climate change that works on 'inner' activity (e.g. meditation - please select all that apply):

Question Title

* 4. I would like to help with societal change by joining with others inTriratna to do the following (please select all that apply):

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following applies to you?

Question Title

* 6. What position(s) of responsibility in Triratna do you hold? (Please select all that apply).

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* 7. What skills would you like to offer? (Please tick all that apply).

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* 8. Contact details

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* 9. I am happy for my responses to this survey to be shared in the following ways with the aim of putting people in touch with one another who have shared concerns and interests.

(Please tick all that apply).

  With a local Triratna organiser who will coordinate people with shared interests On a public google spreadsheet On a password-protected page of www.thebuddhistcentre.com
The Sangha I'm involved with
The kinds of actions I am would consider taking
My position(s) of responsibility in Triratna
My skills
My name
My email address
My phone number
My address