Guidance on the Commission's website

1.Name of organisation
2.Thinking about helping groups to submit an application for charity registration what guidance do you use the most? Indicate your top three by using the columns along the top to select 1, 2 and 3.
Five steps to charity registration
Completing an application for charity registration
Registering a charity in Northern Ireland
The public benefit requirement: statutory guidance
12 charitable purposes documents
Document and information checklist
Trustee declaration
Purposes and public benefit toolkit
Screenshots of online registration application
Registration main contact and charity trustee details form
Creating a pdf guidance
Charity registration- a guide for smaller organisations
Online registration tutorial
Online registration workshop
3.Thinking about helping groups to submit an annual monitoring return, what guidance do you use most? Indicate your top your top three by using the columns along the top to select 1, 2 and 3.
When does my charity have to submit its annual report?
Charity reporting and accounting overall summary
Charity reporting and accounting the essentials guidance
Receipts and payments accounts guidance
Accrual accounts guidance
How to complete the annual monitoring return (AMR)- 10 minute guide
Annual monitoring return (AMR) screenshot document- for charities with income of £10k or less
Annual monitoring return (AMR) screenshot document- for charities with income between £10,001 and £250k
Annual monitoring return (AMR) screenshot document- for charities with income more than £250k
Guidance for independent examiners
Template examiners report- supporting document for independent examiners
Trustees annual report and public benefit reporting
Public benefit toolkit- reporting public benefit in the trustees annual report
4.Thinking about helping groups to make changes to their charity, what guidance do you use most? Indicate your top your top three by using the columns along the top to select 1, 2 and 3.
Consents for charitable companies guidance
Religious designation for registered charities guidance
Making payments to charity trustees guidance
New powers for unincorporated charities guidance
Changing your charity’s name guidance
Mergers and closures guidance
Authorising transactions guidance
Developing a reserves policy guidance
Requesting a scheme guidance
I don’t use any of the above guidance
5.Thinking about helping groups to respond to concerns or complaints or request a decision review, what guidance do you use most? Indicate your top your top three by using the columns along the top to select 1, 2 and 3.
How to raise a concern about a charity guidance
Dealing with concerns about charities guidance
Serious incident reporting: a guide for charity trustees
Waiving trustee disqualification
Challenging a decision of the Commission
6.Thinking about helping groups set up a charity, what guidance do you use most? Indicate your top your top three by using the columns along the top to select 1, 2 and 3.
Things to consider before starting a charity
Starting a new charity guidance
12 charitable purposes documents
Model constitution for charitable unincorporated associations
Model constitution for small unincorporated associations
Model memorandum and articles of association for charitable companies
Model trust deed for charitable trust
7.Thinking about helping groups with their governance, what guidance do you use most? Indicate your top your top three by using the columns along the top to select 1, 2 and 3.
Running your charity guidance
Monitoring and compliance guidance- getting it right
Fundraising at a glance- a guide for charity trustees
Safeguarding resources
Political activity and campaigning guidance for charities
Equality guidance for charities in Northern Ireland
8.If there is any other guidance you use regularly to assist organisations, please provide details below.