As the SEEC program sunsets, this survey is designed to capture the perspective and experiences of local government practitioners that have participated in SEEC programs and resources, as well as to gain insight into ongoing local energy and climate needs. While there will not be dedicated funding to support ongoing activities of SEEC after 2020, the organizations that have administered SEEC continue to remain committed to pursuing resources to provide the most valuable ongoing or new services in energy efficiency, climate action planning, and sustainable solutions.

If you have additional comments that you would like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to Julia Kim at

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* 1. Agency type

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* 2. Agency name (optional)

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* 3. How many years have you participated in SEEC programs?

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* 4. On a scale of 1-5, please rate your overall experience participating in SEEC programs.

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* 5. Please indicate your agreement with the following statements: As a result of participating in SEEC programs…

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I increased my knowledge and understanding of the issues & programs relevant to advancing local energy and climate efforts
I obtained assistance that was relevant to advancing my local energy and climate efforts
I connected with and learned from other practitioners in the field in ways that helped me advance my local energy and climate efforts

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* 6. What do you see as the most successful impacts of SEEC over the last 12 years?

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* 7. What SEEC resources/programs were the most beneficial for your community?

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* 8. Please provide a specific example illustrating any of the benefits you received by participating in SEEC programs.

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* 9. How have recent or anticipated changes to resources available to support your local government energy and climate efforts impacted your capacity to make progress on your community’s energy and climate goals?

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* 10. What new or ongoing resource or technical assistance opportunities have you identified to support your future energy and climate efforts?

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* 11. What critical areas of support do you need from an external agency to advance your community’s future energy and climate efforts?

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* 12. If COVID stimulus support becomes available, what types of programs and resources would help your agency sustain and expand energy and climate efforts?

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* 13. Do you have any questions about the sunsetting of SEEC and the transition of its programs and resources?

100% of survey complete.