ARC WPHOA Paint Proposed Changes

Paint Color Survey - January 2024

The Board and ARC Committee listen to homeowners' desires to add colors to the current paint color selections. At this point in time, we are working on the stick-built home color options.

The ARC Committee has met and selected some new colors. Although not mandatory, we would like to present them for homeowner review.

The attached page 1 colors are proposed to be added for the pop-outs on the stick-built homes only.
The currently approved colors for garage doors and trims remain the same, except now you can paint garage doors the same color as your stucco. See attached page 2.
The current shutter and front door colors will remain the same on attached page 3.
1.Do you support the addition of colors for pop outs?
2.Are the colors presented aesthetically pleasing to correspond with existing colors?
3.Do you support that in addition to the existing garage door colors to add the choice of painting garage doors the color of the stucco?
4.Should manufactured homes also be allowed to use stick-built home color options?