Practice Guideline Survey - Use of Title & Designations

A brief survey about the Practice Guideline - Use of Title and Designations. All responses are confidential. Individual's will not be identified. Responses will be analyzed based on aggregate data only.
1.Years of experience as a kinesiologist (optional):
2.Nature of practice (optional)
3.Practice location (see: Electoral Districts) (optional)
4.How does proper use of title protect the public, including patients/clients?(Required.)
5.Members of the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario are permitted to use which of the following titles?(Required.)
6.Kinesiologists are required to report any names that they may use in practice, and any name changes, to the College.(Required.)
7.Please use this space to ask any questions or provide any feedback you may have about the Practice Guideline - Use of Title and Designations