Town of Pleasant Valley Community Survey 2022

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your responses will help guide the Town of Pleasant Valley Planning Commission in updating the Town's Comprehensive Plan, which provides a guide for the community's growth and development over the next 20 years.
1.In the last 10 years the quality of life in Pleasant Valley has:(Required.)
2.In the next 10 years, I expect that the quality of life in Pleasant Valley will:(Required.)
3.How would you rate the growth of the Town of Pleasant Valley?(Required.)
4.Why do you choose to live in the Town of Pleasant Valley (check all that apply)?(Required.)
5.From your experience, please rate the following services:(Required.)
Not Sure
Ambulance Service
Fire Protection
Internet Service
Cell Phone Service
Parks & Recreation Facilities
Police Protection
Garbage Collection
Recycling Program
Natural Gas
Public School System
Snow Removal
Street & Road Maintenance
Stormwater Management
Access to Health Care
6.If you have home internet, which of the following categories do you primarily use it for?(Required.)
7.On a scale of 1 (not important) to 5 (extremely important), how important is maintaining reliable electricity and natural gas service in the town?(Required.)
8.Should more single-family housing be allowed in rural areas of the Town?(Required.)
9.Should single family housing be concentrated in subdivisions versus scattered single lot development?(Required.)
10.Should you be allowed to use, develop, or sell your land for any purpose consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, regardless of whether your neighbors support the use or not?(Required.)
11.Should your neighbor be allowed to use, develop, or sell their land for any purpose consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, regardless of whether you and your neighbors support the use or not?(Required.)
12.Are you pleased with the way the land in the Town has been used for growth?(Required.)
13.County and Town Comprehensive Plans and County zoning ordinances direct how land can be used.  Do the current ordinances adequately meet the needs of the Town?(Required.)
14.Should non-farm development be concentrated in more developed areas of the town (generally north of County Rd HH)?(Required.)
15.Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Current land use regulations have done an effective job in minimizing land use conflicts in the Town of Pleasant Valley.(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
16.On a scale of 1 (not important) to 5 (extremely important), how important is Eau Claire County’s goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2050?(Required.)
17.Do you support developing commercial-scale solar energy in the Town of Pleasant Valley?(Required.)
18.Do you support developing residential solar energy (solar panels on rooftops or on individual properties to power a single residence) in the Town of Pleasant Valley?(Required.)
19.Do you support developing commercial-scale wind energy in the Town of Pleasant Valley?(Required.)
20.Do you currently own or anticipate owning an all-Electric Vehicle (EV) in the next 5 years?(Required.)
21.Would you support an Electric Vehicle charging station at the Town Hall or Park?(Required.)
22.Do you feel that groundwater contamination is a problem in the Town?(Required.)
23.Do you feel that pollution of streams and surface waters is a problem in the Town?(Required.)
24.Do you live along a creek?(Required.)
25.Do the roads and highways in the Town adequately meet the needs of the residents and businesses?(Required.)
26.Are the roads where you live adequate to meet your needs?(Required.)
27.Would you be willing to pay more taxes to improve and upgrade Town roads?(Required.)
28.Do you live on a town or county road or state highway?(Required.)
29.Are more parks, recreational areas, and open spaces needed in the Town of Pleasant Valley?(Required.)
30.Should developers be required to provide open space areas as part of subdivision approval?(Required.)
31.Would you be willing to pay additional taxes to fund new parks, recreational areas, and open spaces?(Required.)
32.How often do you visit parks in the Town of Pleasant Valley?(Required.)
33.During the next ten years, Pleasant Valley should invest in the following recreational facilities:(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
Ice Skating Rink
Pickleball Courts
Playground Equipment
Picnic Areas
Bike & Pedestrian Trails/Lanes
Ball Fields (baseball, soccer, etc.)
Basketball Courts
Fishing Access
34.If you believe that any of the facilities mentioned in the previous question should be created or expanded, how should they be paid for?(Required.)
35.Are you concerned if productive farmland in the Town is converted to non-farm uses?(Required.)
36.On a scale of 1 (not important) to 5 (extremely important), how important is it to preserve farms and farmland for agricultural purposes?(Required.)
37.Are you:       
38.Age Range:
39.Do you own or rent your home?
40.Do you live north or south of County Road HH?
41.If you own your own home, what is the size of your lot?
42.How long have you lived in the Town of Pleasant Valley?
43.Do you own a commercial farm (not a hobby farm)?
44.Including yourself, how many people live in your household?
45.Are you:
46.If employed, where is your place of employment?
Current Progress,
0 of 46 answered