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The AGMA Foundation is undertaking a strategic planning process.  As part of this effort, we are seeking input from American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) members and other important stakeholders about how the AGMA Foundation might optimize member value in support of AGMA’s mission.  This survey seeks both to establish the context (industry trends, challenges and potential disruptors) and to surface new ideas about optimizing our future impact.  Please take a few minutes to complete this important Impact survey today.

Thank you in advance for your help, and please know that your contribution to this effort is invaluable. If you have any questions about how the survey results will be used, please contact Mary Ellen Doran, Foundation Executive Director at 703-838-0065 or

Question Title

* 1. Your company is a member of the American Gear Manufacturers Association?

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* 2. Your division/business unit would be considered which AGMA membership category?

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* 3. Your division/business unit is headquartered, where?

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* 4. Your parent corporation is headquartered:

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* 5. The annual U.S. dollar value of combined shipments of your power transmission products and services is approximately:

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* 7. Your organizational level is (select one):

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* 8. The number of employees globally dedicated to your gear manufacturing business is approximately: (select one):

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* 9. The number of employees within the U.S. dedicated to your gear manufacturing business is approximately: (select one)

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* 10. Your age range:

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* 11. What currently are your top growth, market positioning & external factor challenges? (select 3)

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* 12. What currently are your top operational challenges? (select 3)

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* 13. What currently are your top workforce acquisition & development challenges in the U.S.? (select 3)

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* 14. When finding qualified science, engineering & technical employees, please rate the difficulty at the following levels:

  Extremely difficult Very difficult Somewhat difficult
Technical/Associate degree level
Bachelor Degree level
Graduate degree level

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* 15. Please list any additional challenges not mentioned in the prior questions where you would find AGMA/AGMA Foundation assistance as potentially extremely valuable:

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* 16. Market Sector Expansion: Which of these market sectors is your company most interested in expanding into?

  Very interested Somewhat interested Not interested Unsure
Automotive (including commercial)
Construction machinery
Farm machinery
Industrial machinery
Material handling equipment
Mining equipment
Oilfield equipment
Power equipment (electric, water, wind, etc.)
Railroad equipment
Machine and other tools

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* 17. Geographical Market Expansion: Over the past 2 years, have your sales efforts been expanding into new countries?

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* 18. Disruptors (global) - Of the following potential disruptors to your business (coming from within the industry, upstream or downstream), to what extent are these likely to impact your business?

  Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely Unsure
Trade regulations
U. S. energy policy
Federal infrastructure spending
Productivity improvements, driving automation down to the lowest levels
Competition from low-cost imports
E-commerce, buying things online, impacting the supply chain
Market dynamics that reduce or expand the supply chain; including end-user manufacturing gears in-house

Question Title

* 19. Disruptors (general) - Of the following potential disruptors to your business to what extent will each impact your business?

  Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely Unsure
Attracting and retaining a younger workforce to replace an aging workforce
Enhancements that change the product lifecycle
Population/Demographic changes impacting the regions you most frequently sell into
Population/Demographic changes impacting workforce availability in the regions where you have manufacturing plants

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* 20. Please check all of the AGMA Foundation programs that you are aware of:

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* 21. Are you aware of AGMA education and training offerings (in-person, online, and on-demand)?

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* 22. Have you attended an AGMA training program in the past three years?

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* 23. AGMA's current training offerings fulfill my professional development needs?

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* 24. What other type of training do you need RIGHT NOW? (check all that apply)

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* 25. Has your company developed any formal partnerships with educational institutions to impact their programming, create internships, etc.?

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* 26. If you answered yes to the previous question, please let us know the institution.

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* 27. Voice of the Industry - Where is your go-to source for each of the following. (Please indicate one selection for each row.)

  AGMA/AGMA Foundation  Another Association A source that is not an Association I need a primary source, but have none Don't need this
Trade press ads/articles promoting the industry
Federal policy advocacy
Regulatory interface (OSHA, EPA, etc.)
State legislative & regulatory interface
Industry standards development
Consumer/end-user education

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* 28. Sales and Networking - Where is your go-to source for each of the following. (Please indicate one selection for each row.)

  AGMA/AGMA Foundation Another Association  A source that is not an Association I need a primary source, but have none Don't need this
Trade shows in the Spring
Trade shows in the Fall
Local/Regional meetings

Question Title

* 29. Education/Professional Development - Where is your go-to source for each of the following. (Please indicate one selection for each row.)

  AGMA/AGMA Foundation Another Association  A source that is not an Association I need a primary source, but have none Don't need this
Conferences/Trade shows with education
Special topic meetings/Technical short courses
Advanced technical training
Online, on-demand education
On-line training library with resouces
Mentor Program

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* 30. Which of the following organizations and trade shows do you work with on a regular basis? (Check all that apply)

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* 31. Please list any other organizations or industry meetings you rely upon.

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* 32. What one new service would you like AGMA/AGMA Foundation to provide to deliver more value?

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* 33. Any additional comments?

0 of 33 answered