Laurium Parks and Recreation Survey

Village of Laurium Parks and Recreation Survey

The Village is beginning the process of creating an up-to-date Parks and Recreation Plan. Your feedback is crucial to help us make the parks work best for you and your family. 
1.When you think of the Laurium parks, what do you think of?
2.Which park/recreation area do you and your family spend the most time at? 
3.How often do you and your family use the parks in the summer/winter season?
4.What works well with the parks?
5.What doesn't work well for the parks? What would you change?
6.What do you think should be the top three priorities for the parks?
7.What did you wish you or your family could do in the park?
8.Do you or your family use the parks as a meeting/gathering space?
9.How would you want to get involved in implementing changes?
10.Any other comments:

Thank you for your participation!