Thank you for offering your time and skills to help your neighbor! WVNHN is a new program, and we want it to run as smoothly as possible so that volunteers and homeowners have the best possible experience. To that end, please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey. We’d greatly appreciate your feedback.

Question Title

* 1. Type of project you adopted and completed:

How much do you agree with the following statements about the Wabash Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors (WVNHN) program?

Question Title

* 2. The process for registering as a volunteer was clear and easy to follow.

Question Title

* 3. The WVNHN website provides adequate information about the overall program and the volunteer registration process.

Question Title

* 4. I felt I received enough information from the website and staff to feel prepared to carry out my volunteer work as effectively as possible.

Question Title

* 5. My overall experience interacting with my neighbor was positive. 

Question Title

* 6. I felt I made a positive connection with the neighbor I helped.

Question Title

* 7. I will likely volunteer with WVNHN again.

Question Title

* 8. I will recommend this volunteer opportunity to friends, coworkers, or family.

Question Title

* 9. How would you rate your overall experience with Wabash Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors?

Question Title

* 10. Additional comments or feedback:

Question Title

* 11. Your name (optional):