Exit 2022 MESA Day - Student Evaluation 1. 2022 MESA Day - Student Evaluation Question Title * 1. Are you a middle school or a high school student? Middle School High School Question Title * 2. What Event did You Participate In? On Site Math On Site Engineering On Site Science On Site Art Question Title * 3. How would you rate your team's preparation and readiness for MESA Day? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor If poor, please explain. Question Title * 4. How clear and understandable were the instructions given by the judges in your event? Very clear and understandable A little confusing Very unclear and hard to understand Very clear and understandable A little confusing Very unclear and hard to understand Question Title * 5. How would you rate the difficulty of the events in which you competed? Too easy Just right Too hard Too easy Just right Too hard Question Title * 6. What was the best part of MESA Day for you? Question Title * 7. What is Something you Learned this MESA Day? Question Title * 8. How would you rate your overall experience at MESA Day? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor If "poor", please explain why. Question Title * 9. What would make next year's MESA Day even better than this year? That's it. Thanks for completing this survey. Don't forget to turn this evaluation in before you leave today. Question Title * 10. If You Want to be Entered in the Raffle, Complete your Contact Information: Name School Name Email Address (Good One to Receive Emails from nmmesa.org) Phone Number Done >>