Lake Association Survey

The Washington State Lake Protection Association is a non-profit organization formed in 1986 dedicated to the protection and restoration of lakes in Washington State. The purpose of this survey is to help create a web application where lake associations can connect with and learn from each other as well as come together on lake related issues at the state level. Thank you for your participation and please visit for more information or email
To see the lake association map visit​ - Note that the information in the current map is from a lake association list developed in the 1990s and is likely outdated.  

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* 2. Lake Association Contact Information that will be displayed on the lake association web map. If you do not want a specific item displayed on web - fill in contact info in the next question.

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* 3. Lake Association Contact Info that will not appear on the lake association web map, but will be used by WALPA to contact you regarding updates to the web application and for other WALPA communication. WE WILL NOT SHARE THIS INFORMATION with commercial or other interests without your permission. If you previously filled out information in the previous question, you do not need to re-enter here.

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* 4. Lake Association Mission Statement (if you have one)

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* 5. How is your lake association organized? (please check all that apply)

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* 6. Select the top 3 areas of concern for your lake association

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* 7. Which of the following lake management activities has your lake association been involved in (ongoing or in the past)?

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* 8. Before receiving this survey, did you know there was a statewide organization committed to protecting lakes?

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* 9. Do you have any ideas of how WALPA may help your or other lake associations around the state?

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* 10. Is there anything else you would like to share about your lake association?