Women's Knowledge and Experience of the importance of nutrition during Menopause

1.Are you currently experiencing or have you experienced perimenopause or menopause?
2.Which symptoms associated with menopause have you experienced? Select all that apply.
3.If you have experienced weight gain during menopause, how has it affected your daily life and well-being?
4.How informed do you feel about the nutritional strategies to manage weight during menopause?
5.What sources have you used to gain information about nutrition during the menopause transition? Select all that apply.
6.What specific dietary changes have you made to manage your weight during menopause?
7.Have you been given any specific advice regarding the importance of nutrition during the menopause transition for reducing symptoms and to improve heart health and bone health?
8.Would you find it helpful to have access to specific meal ideas?
9.Which of the following have you tried for managing weight gain during menopause? Select all that apply.
10.What is your age range?
11.What have you found to be most challenging/difficult about any nutritional changes or specific diet you've tried to make during menopause?