2020/21 Student Nomination Form

Eugene Symphony is thrilled to announce our new Eugene Symphony Private Lesson Program available to Bethel, Eugene 4J, and Springfield Middle and High school band and orchestra students. This program is a lesson scholarship opportunity for students who do not otherwise have the opportunity to study privately. This school year, we invite each public school music instructor to nominate one (1) student from your band and orchestra program to participate. Each student will receive a private lesson scholarship consisting of eight (8) free lessons with an Eugene Symphony teaching artist. Final confirmation of the student’s participation in the program will be dependent on Eugene Symphony teaching artist availability. Open to students of all ages and abilities.

Private lessons provide focused, personalized instruction from a professional Eugene Symphony musician. Studies show individualized music education opportunities can positively impact student confidence, self-esteem, and overall school performance.

This program is made possible thanks to sponsorship support from PacificSource Health Plans, and grants from the Chambers Family Foundation and Woodard Family Foundation.

Bethel, Eugene 4J, and Springfield School Districts (Public schools only)
Middle and high school band and orchestra students 
All ages and playing abilities welcome

FOCUS: This opportunity is available to students who otherwise do not have the opportunity to take private lessons. We welcome nominations for reliable students who display a positive attitude towards learning.   

Student Selection Process:
Every Bethel, Eugene 4J, and Springfield public middle and high school music teacher (band and orchestra) is invited to nominate one (1) student from your school for this opportunity. Confirmation will be dependent on Eugene Symphony teaching artist availability. Students and teachers will be notified by e-mail in early January 2021.

Scope of Private Lessons:
-Each student will receive eight (8) free private lessons with an Eugene Symphony teaching artist.
-Lesson duration will be dependent on age and skill level (ranging from 30-60 minutes/ session).
-All lessons will take place online via Zoom.
-Lessons will be scheduled based on student and private lesson teacher availability. Most lessons will take place during weekday afternoons.
-Lessons will take place January–April 2021.
-Student safety is a top priority at the Eugene Symphony. All private lessons teachers undergo an annual background check. Parents are also welcome to attend lessons.
-Eugene Symphony staff will check in with families periodically to connect about student progress and see how lessons are going.

Financial Expectations:
Private lesson teachers may recommend students acquire specific sheet music/instrument-specific technique books for their private lessons. Individual families are responsible for this expense. Eugene Symphony will reimburse each family up to $30 for materials (music books, music stands, instrument-related items, etc.), upon request.

Katy Vizdal, Education & Community Engagement Director
Eugene Symphony Association
E-mail: katy.vizdal@eugenesymphony.org
Phone: 541-687-9487 x1116

Question Title

* 1. Teacher Name (Nominator):

Question Title

* 2. Title:

Question Title

* 3. School District:

Question Title

* 4. School:

Question Title

* 5. School Mailing Street Address:

Question Title

* 6. School City, State, Zip:

Question Title

* 7. Teacher Email Address:

Question Title

* 8. Teacher Phone Number:

Question Title

* 9. Student Name (Nominee):

Question Title

* 10. Student Instrument:

Question Title

* 11. Student Grade Level:

Question Title

* 12. Music Program & Ensemble: (ex. 7th Grade Orchestra)

Question Title

* 13. Parent/Guardian Name:

Question Title

* 14. Parent/Guardian E-mail Address:

Question Title

* 15. Parent/Guardian Phone:

Question Title

* 16. Student Skill Level: (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

Question Title

* 17. What level of music is your band or orchestra currently working on?

Question Title

* 18. Is this student keeping up with the music assigned in your classroom?

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* 19. Why are you nominating this student for the Eugene Symphony Private Lesson Program?

Question Title

* 20. What would you like their new private lesson teacher to know about them?

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* 21. Is there anything else you feel we should know about the student you are nominating?

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* 22. Please list any questions you have about the program here: