Government Officials and Experts from the region are encouraged to apply!

PEFA Flagship training will cover:
- Basic elements of PEFA methodology, outcomes, pillars, indicators, and dimensions
- Management of the PEFA assessment process
- How to use PEFA for PFM improvement
- PEFA supplementary frameworks: Gender, Climate

PFM Conference topics will be announced separately.

Question Title

* 1. Applicant

Question Title

* 2. You are planning to attend:

Question Title

* 3. What are the reasons for your interest in PEFA Training?
(If you are attending PFM Conference only, please write "Not applicable"

Question Title

* 4. Please briefly narrate your experience/qualifications in PFM area (no more than 10 sentences please):

Question Title

* 5. Are you planning to be involved in a PEFA assessment in the near future?

Question Title

* 6. Any comments or additional info that you would like to share?


The PEFA Secretariat will revert to all applicants with the status of their application after the registration period that ends on October 11, 2024. The accepted applicants will receive confirmation email (on a rolling basis) and further detailed information will be shared.

Please note that due to limited space and expected high number of responses, it will not be possible to accept all applications. Applications will be processed in the order of receipt.

There is no fee to participate in the PEFA training and/or PFM Conference. Lunch and coffees during the event are covered by the organizers. All costs relating to travel, stay, and other costs need to be covered by the participant or their sponsoring organization. Please note that obtaining a visa (if required) to attend the event is the responsibility of the applicant.

For any questions contact PEFA Secretariat via e-mail at: