Equality Survey

Equality Survey 2024

Look at the evidence we have provided for the following three services - Emergency Department (Adults) / Orrell Ward and Neonatal Unit. Are we getting it right for everyone - People from all all protected groups (age / sex / ethnicity / disability / religion and belief / sexual orientation / gender re-assignment / marriage and civil partnership / maternity and pregnancy)
1.Which service are you scoring? You can score all 3 services separately.
2.Can all patients (who need to) access the service? Have equal access.
3.When patients use the service, they are free from harm (feel safe)? There are procedures in place to ensure safety.
4.Are individual patient's health needs being met (having needs met in a way that works for them)?
5.Do patients who use the service report positive experiences?
6.What is your Age Group
7.What is your Gender / Gender Identity
8.What is your race or ethnicity?
9.Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
10.What is your religion / belief?