OneOhio Recovery Foundation Community Feedback Survey

The OneOhio Recovery Foundation is a private non-profit organization created at the direction of Ohio’s state and local leaders to distribute 55 percent of the funds our state will receive from the pharmaceutical industry as a consequence of its role in the national opioid epidemic.

The Foundation seeks your input to inform their strategic planning.

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* 1. One of the primary roles of the Foundation will be to fund programs and services that address substance use and mental health disorders in Ohio. How else could the Foundation support Ohio’s behavioral health system? Choose the 4 most important types of activities the Foundation should prioritize.*

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* 2. What are your expectations for the principles that will guide the Foundation’s work? Choose the 4 most important set of ideals the Foundation should prioritize.*

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* 3. Which best describes you or your organization? (choose all that apply)*

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* 4. By the year 2034, what do you hope will be the Foundation’s most significant accomplishment?