We would like to ask you some quick questions about your trip to the funfair. This survey should take less than 3 minutes to complete, depending on your answers.

There will be an opportunity at the end to give us more feedback if you wish to tell us about something that wasn't covered in the survey.

Alternatively, please feel welcome to contact us on info@irvinleisure.co.uk or our 24-hour hotline on 020 8795 4282 if you would like further information or assistance.

Question Title

* 1. How did you find out about the funfair?

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* 4. How many people did you visit the fair with today?  Please count adults and children and include yourself.

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* 5. How polite and friendly were the fairground staff that served you today?

Rude Polite enough Very polite and friendly
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Do you feel that the fair was good value for money?

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* 7. Did you enjoy your trip to the fair?

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* 8. How often would you like to see the funfair on West Ham Park? At present, we visit twice a year.

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* 9. What age groups were the people in your party? Please tick all that apply

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* 10. What large rides did the people in your group go on?

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* 11. What children's rides did the people in your group go on?

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* 12. What other attractions did the people in your group go on?

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* 13. George Irvin's Funfairs donates to local charities at each fair we visit.

At West Ham Park, we are donating to the Friends of West Ham Park, who help to take care of the park and provide educational and enjoyable activities in it for the community.

Would you prefer we donate to:

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* 14. OPTIONAL QUESTION: Please feel free to give us any other feedback. If you would like us to respond, please include your contact details.