Air n' Sol Spa Survey

1.What age group do you fall in?
2.How frequently do you visit a Spa or Massage salon?
3.What services do you typically use when visiting a Spa or Massage Salon? (Select all that apply)
4.How much do you typically spend per spa / massage visit?
5.What influences you to chose a specific salon? (Select all that apply)
6.Where have you seen or heard of Spa or Massage advertising in the last 6 months? (Select all that apply)
7.What social network apps do you actively use on your phone? (Select all that apply)
8.What services would you use if they were available at Spas or Massage salons? (Select all that apply)
9.Would you attend group fitness classes if they were offered at a spa? If yes, what format of group fitness would you attend? (Select all that apply)
10.What gender do you identify as?