First, we'd like to know a bit about you

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following statements describes your current responsibilities regarding streaming data? (choose all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. How much experience with streaming data or Kafka did you have prior to using the Confluent VSCode Extension?

Question Title

* 3. What other technologies did you use while working with the Confluent VSCode Extension? (Check all that apply)

Now we’d like to know a bit about your experience using the Confluent VSCode Extension.

Question Title

* 4. Overall, which statement best describes the ease of use of the current Confluent VSCode Extension in completing streaming data related tasks?

Question Title

* 5. The following is a list of tasks the team prioritized in building the current EA version of the VSCode extension. Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 how easy or difficult it was to use the VSCode extension to complete those tasks.

  1 - Was not able to complete the task 2 - Was able to complete with assistance from external documentation, a coworker, or direct support 3 - Was able to complete with assistance from Confluent documentation outside the extension 4 - Was able to complete with the assistance provided in the extension 5 - Was able to complete without any assistance N/A
Sign into an existing Confluent account
Viewing a list of topics in a cluster
Viewing incoming messages in a topic
Adding a new topic to a cluster
Viewing the schemas available for a cluster
Viewing a specific schema
Setting up a new project or client from a template
Now we’d like to know how useful you found the Confluent VSCode Extension.

Question Title

* 6. Overall, which statement best describes how useful the Confluent VSCode Extension currently is in your streaming data workflow?

Question Title

* 7. Were there any specific tasks you wanted to complete using the VSCode Extension but were unable to?

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following pain points would you most want solved by the Confluent VSCode extension?

Question Title

* 9. Is there any other feedback you'd like to provide us with about Confluent or the Confluent VSCode Extension?

Thank you for your feedback on the Confluent VSCode Extension.

If you'd like to participate in more user research with Confluent, including interviews and user tests, please sign up to be a part of our Developer Tooling & Experiences panel!

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