As custodians of the land for future generations, your voice is vital.

Shape the future of our countryside: share your thoughts and help develop a strategy for land and nature in Northumberland, Newcastle, and North Tyneside.

Whether you manage a large-scale farming operation, a small farm, or a cherished piece of land, your perspective is vital. Please spare a few minutes to respond anonymously to this survey, which is being commissioned through an independent organisation.

This is not a one-off chance to participate, but part of an ongoing project to shape the future for wildlife in our varied and precious area.

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* 1. Are you?

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* 2. Where are you based? (Please refer to the map).

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* 3. When you think about the wildlife in your area, which habitats do you think are the most important to focus on in Northumberland, Newcastle, and North Tyneside? Please rank them by importance top to bottom, with the top being most important.

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* 4. Activities that maintain or improve these areas for wildlife may have other benefits. Which of the following additional benefits do you think are important?

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* 5. Please tell us which species on your farm or surrounding area are important to you.

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* 6. Which of the following would you like to do on your landholding to support wildlife?

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* 7. What are the most important things you are currently doing to help wildlife on your landholding?

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* 8. If any part of your landholding is managed specifically to benefit wildlife, please give details

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* 9. What prevents you from undertaking activities to help wildlife on your landholding?

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* 10. If you would like to elaborate on anything above, please do so here:

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* 11. If you have tenants, in what ways are you able to support them to take action to benefit wildlife?

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* 12. If you are a tenant, in what ways does the owner of the land you tenant support you in taking action to benefit wildlife?

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* 13. Are you currently in an agri-environment scheme?

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* 14. What would help you to do more to benefit wildlife on your landholding?

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* 15. What would you like to see others doing to help wildlife in Northumberland, Newcastle, and North Tyneside?

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* 16. How can better communication and collaboration be facilitated between farmers, landowners and others involved in land management?

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* 17. Are you involved in a farmer cluster or facilitation group and/or do you collaborate with your neighbours to take action to benefit wildlife?

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* 18. What is the question you wished we’d asked, but didn’t and how would you answer it?

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* 19. Would you be willing to take part in a 30-minute conversation about your thoughts and ideas for benefiting wildlife on your land - or more widely - with an independent interviewer? Interviewees may choose, after the interview, either to have their details passed to Northumberland County Council or to remain anonymous. If you would like to take part, please complete your contact details:

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* 20. Would you like help or advice on how to benefit wildlife on your land? If 'yes', please make sure you add your contact details in box 22 below, or you can email

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* 21. Would you like a site visit to talk through your ideas? if 'yes', please make sure you add your contact details in box 22 below, or you can email

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* 22. If you said 'yes' to Q20 or Q21, please enter your name, email address and phone number, or you can email Details added here will be passed on to Northumberland County Council who would then send you information or offer a site visit.

Thank you for taking the time to feed back your thoughts.

Your privacy and the security of your data are important to us. Our organisation complies with Data Protection regulations and General Data Protection Regulation. Our privacy statement can be found here:
Privacy Statement