Apply to Participate in Our Study!

HealthSource RI (the official health insurance exchange for the state of Rhode Island) has partnered with gotomedia (a leading design and research firm) to conduct a research study exploring people’s experiences and opinions about health insurance.

Participants must live in Rhode Island and have access to a computer and high-speed internet. This is a 90-minute remote (online) interview.

Only individuals selected to participate and complete the online interview will receive a $200 gift card for their time.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this short survey. It has eleven short questions and should take three minutes to complete. The survey is designed to help us identify a diverse group of participants.

If you initially qualify to participate, gotomedia will contact you by phone, text, or email for a follow-up screening. Please be sure to provide your full name, email address, and phone number where we can reach you. If you do not qualify you will be informed via email within 72 hours. Please do not contact gotomedia or HealthSource RI directly regarding qualification for the research study.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are under any pertinent deadlines such as the expiration of your health coverage or the ending of your Special Enrollment Period for new coverage eligibility, this may not be the right time for you to participate. While this study is about health insurance, gotomedia is not affiliated with any health insurance provider and will not attempt to sell you health insurance.

YOUR PRIVACY: The data you provide in this survey will be used solely to assist gotomedia and HealthSource RI in identifying a diverse pool of participants for our research. Your information will not be used for any other purpose. None of the information you provide will be sold or shared with any other party.

Thank you for your interest!

Question Title

* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 5. What is your marital status?

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* 6. With which racial or ethnic group(s) do you most identify?

Question Title

* 7. Which best describes your current health insurance coverage situation? (Pick One)