Please complete the short questionnaire below to tell us more about yourself and professional development needs. Our goal is to use this information to deliver the most value possible to you during this year's Pathfinder Program. These responses will not be shared with your employer.

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* 1. In which year did you graduate from law school?

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* 2. How many legal jobs have you held since graduating from law school?

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* 3. Do you have a mentor or sponsor? Check all that apply.

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* 4. Does your mentor or sponsor work at your organization? If you have multiple mentors or sponsors, please answer the question for each mentor and/or sponsor.

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* 5. What is your greatest unmet professional development need?

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* 6. What are the most challenging aspects of the practice of law?

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* 7. What aspects of the legal profession do you see as ready for innovation/disruption? 

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. We look forward to meeting you at the Pathfinder Meeting!