Women’s Health Grampians (WHG) is a strong feminist voice for the promotion of women’s equality, health and wellbeing in the Grampians region. We work collaboratively with a network of partners to drive lasting change on issues that impact women and families in our communities, including:
  • Preventing Violence Against Women
  • Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Working towards Gender Equality
Our members support us in promoting gender equity and creating respectful communities. This includes working to address the negative stereotypes, assumptions and attitudes that lead to discrimination, disadvantage and violence against women.
We use an inclusive definition of women that includes all people who identify as women.
We acknowledge the high rates of violence against trans women and gender-diverse people and the myriad ways that gendered norms, stereotypes and discrimination contribute to inequality and oppression. We acknowledge and work to dismantle the systems of oppression born of and perpetuated by colonisation, and are committed to listening to and working with Aboriginal peoples to build systems of inclusion.

Membership is open to anyone who:
  • Supports our work and the rules of our Constitution and our Statement of Purpose (page 4 of Constitution)
  • Identifies as a woman*
  • Is over 18, and
  • Lives or works in the Grampians region.
*We use an inclusive definition of women that includes all people who identify as women.

WHG Members are entitled to:

  • Receive invitations, with notice, to all WHG meetings including the AGM, Special General Meetings (SGMs) and General Meetings
  • vote at the AGM, SGMs and general meetings,
  • nominate for the Board (unless currently employed by WHG),
  • receive regular news updates from WHG,
  • be included in any member consultations

Question Title

* 1. First name:

Question Title

* 2. Surname:

Question Title

* 3. Organisation and role (if applicable):

Question Title

* 4. Address:

*Please note that our memberships are for individuals rather than organisations.  As such we ask that you provide your personal contact details so even if you change organisations, we can stay in touch.

Question Title

* 5. How did you hear about Women's Health Grampians?

Question Title

* 6. Why would you like to become a member of Women's Health Grampians?

Question Title

* 7. I confirm that I:

Question Title

* 8. By signing this Membership Form, you are confirming that you desire to become a member of Women's Health Grampians, and that you support the purposes of our association, which are to:  
  • Operate as a health promotion organisation working collaboratively to address disease prevention and control, health inequities and disadvantage for women.
  • Acknowledge the social context of women’s lives and encourage active consultation with and involvement by women in the Grampians Region, to ensure that service delivery and public policy reflect women’s needs, priorities and aspirations.
You are agreeing to receive emails from WHG, which will include information regarding the official business of the Association (e.g. Notice of AGMs), and will also include newsletters, invitations and materials related to our work.

All membership applications are presented to the WHG board for approval at the first meeting following the application being received. Membership is confirmed when approved by the board.

Please type your full name and the date into the box below as an agreement to the above conditions of WHG membership and to submit your application.