Alcohol at the 2018 West End Seniors' Network Strawberry Festival We need your help planning the next Strawberry Festival! Question Title * 1. Did you attend the 2017 West End Seniors' Network (WESN) Strawberry Festival? Yes No OK Question Title * 2. Would you like beer to be served at the next WESN Strawberry Festival? Yes! No I don't mind either way OK Question Title * 3. What types of beer do you prefer? (You can choose more than one) Light Lager India Pale Ale (IPA) Pilsner Ale Stout I don't drink beer Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. Would you like wine to be served at the next WESN Strawberry Festival? Yes No I don't mind either way OK Question Title * 5. What types of wine do you prefer? (You can choose more than one) Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay Merlot Pinot Noir Rosé Sauvignon Blanc Red White I don't drink wine Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. How likely would you be be to buy a drink of beer or wine at the next WESN Strawberry Festival at a cost of $5.00 - 7.50? Not at all Very unlikely Maybe Probably Definitely OK Question Title * 7. Is there any other type of food or refreshment you'd like to see served at the next WESN Strawberry Festival? OK DONE