2025 AANA College Bowl - Resident Team Nomination Form Question Title * Please review and acknowledge that you understand the following information for nominating a resident(s) to participate in the College Bowl at the AANA Annual Congress. All nominations must be submitted by April 1, 2025 to be considered. Questions? Contact education@aana.com. Nominating residents for College Bowl does not guarantee they will be selected for a team. All nominated residents will be included in a random-selection process and only thirty-six will be chosen to compete on teams. In order for residents to be included in the lottery, Program Administrators must provide 2 open-ended questions for consideration to be included in the College Bowl game. The question, answer and reference will need to be provided for each. True/false or multiple choice questions may not be submitted. AANA may reach out regarding forms or information in relation to College Bowl, and ask for assistance communicating with nominated RRNAs. Residents will be required to attend a virtual meeting (in June or July) with other residents and the College Bowl host. During the meeting, they will meet their teammates, meet the College Bowl host, and review the College Bowl rules and procedures. Residents will also be required to attend a rehearsal at Annual Congress (approximately 1 hour prior to the College Bowl). Please Note: No noisemakers, balloons, or confetti will be allowed into the event. These items are prohibited due to the excessive cleanup and fees associated with this. Thank you for your understanding and adherence to this policy. I am a Program Administrator (or faculty designee) and would like to nominate RRNAs for AANA College Bowl 2025. I will not be submitting RRNAs for the College Bowl. Next