Student Nomination Form

Eugene Symphony is thrilled to announce private lesson scholarships are now available as part of our 2024/25 Eugene Symphony Private Lesson Program. Available to Bethel, Eugene, and Springfield middle and high school music students, this lesson scholarship program is for students who do not have the opportunity to study privately otherwise. We invite all public school music educators to nominate students to be considered for this program. Selected students will receive a private lesson scholarship consisting of ten (10) free lessons with an Eugene Symphony teaching artist. Each student also receives a $50 stipend for lesson materials and will have the opportunity to attend Eugene Symphony performances this school year. Open to students of all ages and abilities.

Deadline to nominate students: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2024

·Bethel, Eugene, and Springfield School Districts (public schools only)
·Middle and high school band and orchestra students
·All ages and playing abilities welcome
·All orchestral instruments welcome (except piano)
·Available to students who do not have the opportunity to study with a private lesson teacher otherwise

FOCUS: This scholarship is for students who do not otherwise have the opportunity to take private lessons. We welcome nominations for reliable students who display a positive attitude towards learning and will show up prepared for lessons.

Student Selection Process:
Twenty-three (23) scholarships will be awarded this year, at least 10 of which will be dedicated to BIPOC students. Student nominations will be reviewed according to the submitted nomination statement and NAACP scholarship eligibility. Students and teachers will be notified by e-mail of participation status in October 2024. Final confirmation of the student’s participation in the program will be dependent on Eugene Symphony teaching artist availability and parent confirmation.

NAACP Scholarship Opportunity for BIPOC Students
Ten (10) scholarships will be awarded to BIPOC students, specifically students from communities that have been historically underrepresented in classical music.

Katy Vizdal, Education & Community Engagement Director
Eugene Symphony Association
Phone: 541-687-9487 x1116

Question Title

* 1. Teacher Name (Nominator):

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* 2. Title:

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* 3. School District:

Question Title

* 4. School:

Question Title

* 5. School Mailing Street Address:

Question Title

* 6. School City, State, Zip:

Question Title

* 7. Teacher Email Address:

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* 8. Teacher Phone Number:

Question Title

* 9. Student Name (Nominee):

Question Title

* 10. Student Instrument: (Please list one)

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* 11. Does the student have access to an instrument they can use at home?

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* 12. Student Grade Level:

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* 13. Music Program & Ensemble: (ex. High School Advanced Orchestra, 8th Grade Band)

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* 14. Parent/Guardian Name:

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* 15. Parent/Guardian E-mail Address:

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* 16. Parent/Guardian Phone:

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* 17. Student Skill Level: (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

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* 18. What level of music is your band or orchestra currently working on, and is this student keeping up with the music assigned?

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* 19. Please indicate if this student is eligible for NAACP Scholarship Opportunity (BIPOC students, specifically from communities that have been historically excluded from classical music)

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* 20. Please select all categories the student identifies as below: Eugene Symphony collects demographic information from program participants for program evaluation purposes.

Question Title

* 21. Nomination Statement: Why are you nominating this student for the Private Lesson Program? What impact would this scholarship have on the student's musicianship and as an individual? What are their musical ambitions; Do they plan to play in high school or college? Please speak to their enthusiasm to participate in this program. (400 max word count)

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* 22. If they are selected to participate, what would you like their new private lesson teacher to know about them?

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* 23. Is there anything else you feel we should know about the student you are nominating?

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* 24. Please list any questions you have here: