AGMA Education Survey: Machinist Training Needs

1.What size company do you represent?
2.Which of the following best describes your role within your organization?
3.In which area of the U.S. do you live?
4.Is your organization an AGMA member?
5.Do your machine operators have a budget for professional development from your company?
6.How are operators and machinists currently trained in your organization? (Choose all that apply)
7.If you seek external job training, which method do you prefer? (Select up to 2)
8.What is the right price point for a training class for machine operators? (Choose all that apply)
9.What is the right class length for a training class for machine operators? (Choose all that apply)
10.What time of day do you prefer to take live online classes?
11.Do operators have access to a computer to complete online trainings?
12.What type of training is needed for operators? (Choose all that apply)
13.If you have taken an operator course through AGMA (e.g., Operator Gear Grinding, Operator Hobbing & Shaper Cutting, Basic Gear Inspection for Operators, Heat Treatment for Operators/Operations) what suggestion(s) do you have for improvement?
14.How can we change our operator training strategy to provide more value to you and your company?
15.AGMA strives to be responsive to your workforce and organizational needs. What other topics would the industry like to have presented? (Broad and subtopic suggestions welcome).