Taranaki Property Investors' Association Member Survey 2021

1.Which Taranaki town do you live closest to?
2.Do you attend meetings? If not and there is something we could do to make it happen please tick other and give us some information.
3.Tick all the topics that interest you for future meetings. Please use the other box to indicate the any subjects you would especially love to hear about if it is not indicated in the question. This helps us to plan the year ahead so we are very grateful for this feedback.
4.Prefered strategy for investment
5.What is your preferred investing type?
6.How do you feel about online zoom meetings
7.How have the new govt rules around phasing out interest deductibility for tax purposes, and the bright line test on sales up to 10 years affected your attitude to investing in residential real estate?
8.Thank you for taking the time to fill this in. It will help us get to know our members as well as plan for 2022. If there is anything else you would like to add please do so here. Is there anything that you think would improve our member support? Please use the other box to elaborate on your answers or to share ideas.
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered