Please take a few minutes to provide us your feedback so that we can improve in the future. Thank you!

Question Title

* 2. Person filling out this form (optional):

Question Title

* 3. Participation in Compass HQIC is valuable to our organization.

Question Title

* 4. Rate what you value from being a member of the Compass HQIC.

  Extremely valuable Very valuable Somewhat valuable Not so valuable Not at all valuable
Availability of Resources/Tools
Technical Assistance via On-site Visits
Technical Assistance via Virtual Site Visits
Technical Assistance via Coaching Calls
Compass Webinars with National Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
Compass Webinars with peer-to-peer learning from other hospitals like yours
Compass Open Office Hour Calls
Small group or cohort meetings (virtual)
Availability of Quality/Performance Data
Availability of Return on Investment (ROI)/Cost Savings Data
Large in-person meetings (i.e. IHC Annual Forum; IHC Patient Safety Conference)

Question Title

* 5. How often have you or others from your hospital attended a HQIC webinar, meeting, workshop, training, learning community or other HQIC related event in the last twelve months?

Question Title

* 6. Compass HQIC is committed to providing meaningful services and benefits to our network that contribute to increased patient safety and improved quality. As we plan for the potential of the next program period, please list any recommendations you have for increasing the value of a program like this to your organization (consider describing unmet needs, requests for content, program offerings, tools and resources, etc...).

Question Title

* 7. What frequency would you prefer to connect with your Clinical Improvement Consultant/Quality Improvement Advisors?

  Monthly Quarterly Bi-annually Annually As needed
In-Person Site Visit
Virtual Site Visit
Virtual Coaching Call
Phone Coaching Call
Email Coaching

Question Title

* 8. In the last 12-months, indicate what services you have received from your Clinical Improvement Consultant/Quality Improvement Advisor. Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 9. Please describe your confidence in your current Clinical Improvement Consultant/Quality Improvement Advisor’s ability to provide consultation and coaching related to HQIC measures.

Question Title

* 10. Please rate your satisfaction of interactions with your Clinical Improvement Consultant/Quality Improvement Advisor (within the last twelve months) for the various contact methods listed.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A
Virtual (Zoom)

Question Title

* 11. The Compass HQIC team is always looking for ways to improve our processes in a variety of areas. For this question, please provide input on how in-person or virtual site visits could be improved.

Question Title

* 12. Please estimate how many times you or others from your hospital access the iCompass Academy Learning Management System in the last 12 months?

Question Title

* 13. Please estimate how many times you or others from your hospital access the iCompass Communication Platform in the last 12 months?

Question Title

* 14. How confident are you when it comes to using the Compass HQIC Database Portal

Question Title

* 15. Do you find the Compass HQIC Reports (Dashboard, run charts, etc.) easy to understand and useful in assessing your hospital's performance?

Question Title

* 16. In what ways do you utilize your HQIC data (run charts, dashboards, readmission reports, opioid reports)? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 17. The HQIC measures aligned with the quality goals of my hospital.

Question Title

* 18. Respond to each statement by indicating how much you agree or disagree with it:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of Compass HQIC services.
Overall, I would recommend this program to other hospitals.
Overall, this program provides great learning experiences and material for us to utilize.
Overall, I enjoy having this program as a tool to help with facility goals.
Overall, I feel comfortable working with our Clinical Improvement Consultant (CIC)/Quality Improvement Advisor (QIA) or someone from the Compass HQIC Team.
Overall, our CIC/QIA helped us reach our goals in a timely manner.
Overall, I feel that our CIC/QIA cared about our facility.
Overall, site visits via Zoom and in-person with our CIC/QIA are well balanced.