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* 1. What impact has the pool closure had on yourself/your family

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* 2. Do you currently use the Gym facilities in the pool building?

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* 3. If No why do you not use the Gym facilities

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* 4. In the Government Spring budget on 6th March, it was announced that £14.4m would be awarded to Bradford Council via the Levelling up fund (LUF) for a bid "revitalising Bingley". The pool is now the main focus for the funding. Which option suggested by Bradford Council in your opinion would best meet the community need for a swimming pool?

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* 5. Please comment on why you chose this option ...

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* 6. Friends of Bingley Pool Trustees are of the opinion that a 6 lane competition pool would be the most viable long term strategy for a pool in Bingley. To what extent do you agree/disagree?

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* 7. How likely/unlikely would you be to use swimming facilities in Bingley?

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* 8. How likely would you be to use new gym facilities at Bingley Pool?

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* 9. How many times do you think you would use the pool?

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* 10. What times would you be likely to use the pool facilities?

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* 11. How often would you use the gym?

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* 12. Would you prefer single sex or mixed sex changing facilities

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* 13. Rather than Bradford Council running the pool facilities, they are considering a engaging a private developer to take over the running of the facilities. What are your thoughts on this?

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* 14. Bradford Council are also exploring the option of selling/leasing the pool building AND the Town Hall as a joint venture. Please comment ....

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* 15. Are you?

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* 16. Age

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* 17. Do you reside in Bingley / rural Bingley

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* 18. Number of adults in household

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* 19. Number of children in household?

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* 20. Do you have any other comments to make on the regeneratiion of Bingley Pool Project that we can relay back to Bradford Council?