Florida's ProStart program encompasses 230 high schools. Our current state competition is able to accomodate 50 schools each in the Culinary Competition and Management Competition. The purpose of this application is to extend the privilege of competing in this event to schools who most effectively implement the ProStart curriculum in their classroom as it was intended to be put into practice.

To be eligible to compete, the program must 1) be a Premier or Full ProStart program and 2) complete the NRAEF Data Collection Survey when it is available.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, October 8, 2021

APPLICANTS NOTIFIED STATUS: Friday, October 15, 2021

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* 1. Program Information

REMINDER:  Premier ProStart schools do not have to apply for a competition spot--you are already in!

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* 2. We send communications primarily through email. Sometimes the school/district servers will block our emails. Please provide a second email address to ensure you receive everything:

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* 3. Some schools have more than one ProStart teacher. Please list below any additional teacher(s) and their email address(es) that you would like us to send competition information. This will allow everyone to receive all communications regarding the ProStart Competition.

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* 4. Have you submitted the following: (REQUIRED to complete application)

  Yes No
School Classification Commitment Form
NRAEF Data Collection--AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER--Go ahead and complete application--we will check to make sure you completed this survey later

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Which of the following competitions did your school compete during the 2020 ProStart Culinary Team Competitions?

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* 6. Please list OTHER culinary/hospitality competitions your students participated in last year and include awards won, if any.

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Advisory Committee
List Advisory Committee member names below along with company name:

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* 8. Mentor Chef
Please include the contact information of your mentor chef:

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How many students passed the following tests or received the certification:

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* 10. How many of your ProStart students are currently working in the foodservice industry?

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* 11. How many post-secondary scholarships did your students earn in 2020-2021 to pursue a culinary, food service or hospitality degree?

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* 12. Please list any community involvement activities you and your students participated in during the last normal school year:

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* 13. Please list post-secondary hospitality/culinary programs you and/or your county have articulated with. Following the school name, indicate the course credits and/or dollar amount students receive from the articulation agreement.

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* 14. Do you have a school-based enterprise?

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* 15. If you answered yes to the above question, please describe your enterprise, frequency of operation and student involvement in enterprise.

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* 16. In which of these competitions do you plan to compete?

  Yes No
Culinary Competition
Management Competition
Edible Centerpiece
Waiters Relay

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* 17. If there is anything you would like us to know as we consider your application, please provide the information below: